Alfred Bernhard Nobel was born on October 21, 1833 in Stockholm, Sweden. His father, Emanuel Nobel, was an inventor, but he was illiterate. When Alfed was 4 years old, his father had to move to Russia. After that in 1859, when the nitroglycerin firm went bankrupt, Nobel's father came to Sweden and started producing nitroglycerin.
Nobel's younger brother died along with many of the working workers when the factory exploded in 1864. The building completely collapsed. Due to the lack of permission to restore the factory, he continued production by building a dam on Malaren Sarovar. His research was focused on the safe transportation of nitroglycerin.
One day suddenly nitroglycerin got absorbed in a special organic packing and turned into dry matter. With this new discovery, he went ahead and succeeded in manufacturing dynamite. Alfred studied science, literature, economics, chemistry, physics while staying at his home. At the age of 17, he had learned to speak Russian, French, German, English languages fluently. His father wanted him to become an engineer. He was sent to Paris to become a chemical engineer. He met the Parisian chemist Arcanio Subero, who invented nitroglycerin.
About 100 years ago, a man was looking through the morning newspaper and suddenly he was surprised and horrified to see his name on the page of the list of the dead. Later the newspaper told in the details that by mistake a wrong person was declared dead. But the man's first reaction after seeing the newspaper was observable. He was thinking whether he is here or there? And when he regained his patience after looking at the details, another thought came to his mind as to what people might be thinking of him.
When people read on the page of the list of the dead, "The king of dynamite is killed." And also said, "He was a dealer of death." The man had discovered dynamite and when he read the words 'merchant of death', he asked himself a question, "Will I be remembered by this name?" He realized his feelings at that time and decided that he did not want to be remembered like this. From that day, he started working for peace. The name of that man was Alfred Nobel and today he is remembered for the great Nobel Prize.
The child Alfred was sent to the United States of America for study in 1850, but he could only stay there for one year. Upon his return from Russia to Sweden, he became involved in the study of explosives, especially nitroglycerin, at his father's factory. Due to a terrible explosion on 3 September 1864, this entire factory was destroyed and his younger brother died in the same.
Yet they continued to search for ways to tame nitroglycerin such an unexpectedly explosive substance. In 1867, he also invented smokeless gunpowder, which later took the form of cordite. Both these substances were widely used in industry and also in war. From this and from the investment of money in the oilfields of Baku in Russia, he collected a huge amount of money.
His life was spent fighting diseases. He did not marry for the rest of his life and lived a lonely life. Inspired by the desire for human interest, he used his wealth to establish a trust, which every year (1) physics, (2) chemistry, (3) physiology or medicine, (4) idealistic Awards are given to the best work in the fields of literature and (5) world peace. These awards are called Nobel Prizes. The awarding of Nobel Prizes started in 1901.
Inventions of Alfred Nobel:
In his youth, Nobel left for Paris for further studies. After studying chemical engineering in Paris, he started looking for methods of protective use of nitro glycerin, which was recently invented. The family had to forcibly return to the stock home, due to which their invention remained incomplete. Alfred's brother had died due to nitro glycerin in Sweden and since then Alfred Nobel Alfred had decided to find a solution for this.
Alfred Nobel Alfred made a product by mixing silica with nitro glycerin, which could be filled in cylinders, on which the difference in temperature and pressure did not have much effect. In 1867, he patented it and named it "Dynamite". It was five times more powerful than ordinary gunpowder. Its demand increased rapidly in mines and construction works. It was used in big construction works in the world. Within a few years, he started supplying it to many parts of the world through his factory. His business acumen and dexterity quadrupled the sales of the product.
Nobel Prize:
The Nobel Prize is the world's highest prize awarded by the Nobel Foundation in memory of Swedish scientist Alfred Nobel in the fields of peace, literature, physics, chemistry, medical science and economics. The Nobel Foundation was started on June 29, 1900. Its purpose is to conduct the Nobel Prizes financially. According to Nobel's testament, more than 94% of his bequests are the people who havedone excellent work in various fields for mankind.
Establishment :
The Nobel Prize was established by Swedish scientist Alfred Bernard (Bernhard) Nobel in 1901 AD. Alfred Bernard (Bernhard) Nobel was born in 1833 AD in Stockholm, Sweden. At the age of 9, he moved to Russia with his family. Alfred Nobel was an unmarried Swedish scientist and chemical engineer who discovered dynamite in 1866. The Swedish people became aware of the awards only after his death in 1896, when he read his will, in which he donated all the annual proceeds from his money to help the prizes. In his will he ordered that "the most deserving person, whether Scandinavian or not, shall receive the prize."

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