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The Code of the Extraordinary Mind

 It is a very interesting book which tells how the rule of society become a problem in being a great personality.the Code of the Extraordinary Mind , 10 Unconventional Laws
, साधारण से असाधारण कैसे बने, खुद को अपडेट कैसे करे, khud ko update Kaise Kare, The Code of The Extraordinary Mind by Vishen Lakhiani - The Code of The Extraordinary Mind gives you a 10 step framework for success, based on the lives of the world’s most successful people. Just as a programmer can program a computer to do specific tasks by understanding its code, you can program your life and the world around you to improve and enhance the way you live and your experiences in this lifetime. But first, you must see this code. And that’s where this book comes in. Extraordinary minds are good at seeing the cultures cape and can selectively choose the rules and conditions to follow versus those to question or ignore. Therefore, they tend to take the path less travelled and innovate on the idea of what it means to truly live. In this summary, you will learn the following lesson.

1. Go Beyond Society’s Conditionings 2. Make a Dent in the Universe 3. Update Your Models of Reality and Your Systems for Living 4. Bend Reality 5. How to Be Happy Now - Live in Discipline 6. How to Create a Compelling Vision for Your Future - The Three Most Important Questions 7. Bringing it All Together: The 6-Phase Meditation Your Query: 1. the code of the extraordinary mind summary 2. the code of the extraordinary mind by vision lakhiani 3. the code of the extraordinary mind Hindi summary 4. 10 Unconventional Laws 5. Extraordinary Mind 6. how to create and live an extraordinary life 7. Vishen Lakhiani 8. 10 step framework for success 9. Succeed on Your Own Terms

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