The Defining Decade puts emphasis on the most productive and
an important time of our lives: our twenties. Dr Meg Jay, an
assistant clinical professor at the University of Virginia, puts
forth her arguments on how to get the most out of our twenties
and stop believing in the “thirties are the new twenties”
The Big Takeaways:
1. We have to learn to value not only our career but our
relationships in our twenties.
1. If Career counselling is always abundant in our
twenties, but not so much for relationships. Young
adults must decide carefully and value
relationships made in their twenties.
2. The jobs which young adults choose in their twenties
will affect their long-term pay scale.
1. To avoid mid-life crises in their thirties
and forties, young adults should wisely choose a
career in their 20s. The sooner, the better.
3. Keeping young adults in their twenties from the danger
of “too many options” is key.
1. It is unwise to load a raw mind with the false
the notion of doing anything they can in their 20s.
This will leave them overwhelmed, possibly not
attempting anything at all.
4. Use dating in your twenties to find a valuable partner
with endearing qualities, not just to have fun.
1. Dating relationships are for temporary
associations and will not give you the serious and
long-term happiness you will need later in life.
5. Our brain fully matures between our twenties and
the thirties.
1. Our twenties are the best time to practice serious
objectives in life. This is because when our brain
matures fully by our thirties, it will be easier
for us to lead a measured life.
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